Friday, July 16, 2010

Beatles, Mexico, and New Loves

June 6, 1996

Well, I never got to go to my Aunt's house a few weekends ago because I got busted. I got caught ditching school and got in a fight with the Step Monster. ( Oddly enough, the Principal who busted me is now my co-worker at a school I work at .. HAHA! and YES I reminded him about busting me.) So basically I am screwed. Cassidy's car got stolen a couple days ago and they found the guy but its totally thrashed and un driveable. His mom wont get him a new car either and it sucks cuz then he has to walk back and forth to work everyday. We've been spending a lot of time at his house since he doesn't have a car.
Today Deb was crying cuz it was her last day with all of us at school. They graduate next Thursday.

It really sucks being grounded and my weekend is fuct! But next weekend we are going to the beach so hopefully that will make up for it. ~R.C.

June 10, 1996
Today was the last full day of school. Only 4 more 1/2 days left until school's out. Last night I talked to Cassidy on the phone. He's going to try to find a car before his parents leave for vacation. That will be cool cuz then we can all go hang out and stuff this summer. This Friday we're going to Oceanside to go surfing. I really suck at surfing so I think I will leave it to the guys. I don't understand what's so interesting about my diary that Cassidy wants to read it but oh well! I don't care if he reads it but if Nicole ( my sister) gets ahold of it, I'm dead meat! ~R.C.

July 2, 1996
A lot has happened since school got out. I am living with my Aunt and Uncle now. I got a job at Spencer Gifts at the Mall. The only bad thing is I'm really far away from Cassidy and my friends. He has a bug now so at least he has a car. I hope to get a car by mid summer. I am leaving tomorrow to go to North Carolina with my Aunt, Grandma and Papa. Last night I had bad nightmares that Cassidy and Scott got in an accident when I was away and some chick was all over Cassidy. I hope I can trust him when I am gone from the house. ~R.C.

* I cant believe I didn't write more about North Carolina. Well, after 14 years have passed I remember we stayed at Jerry's house, I played pool a lot, went swimming in the sound, we had tomatoes with our breakfast and went to buy fresh sausage from the butcher before we left to come home. I also remember my Papa got pulled over by the cops when we got there because he was so tired he was swerving on the road. We took 2 days to drive there and it was neat to see the country. I could hardly keep my eyes open though. I also remember the southern BBQ place we went to Simps BBQ and how their BBQ was awesome. I think they maranated it in Vinegar or something and they gave me a bottle of pepsi in a glass bottle. It was really awesome to see the Greveyards. I tried to sneak off to read the tombstones when they made me go to the cemetary with them but my Aunt kinda yelled at me for it. I just wanted to see how old they were...*

August 20, 1996
I haven't heard from Cassidy in 2 weeks. I wonder if he's back from Mexico yet ( He was hanging out with some chick there , I found out later on ). I have been hearing from Brett lately. He wants to see me and stuff. He was always one of my best buds until he got put into Juvy. He's getting out in Jan '97. ( Yet another felon I chose to associate with , I think he was a step cousin or something but whatever he was a felon). Next week we're going on Vacation in Laughlin.
Our Neighbors are my cousin Amber are going with us too. Also, Nancy and her husband. It will be fun riding the waverunners! School starts in 2 weeks on Sept. 4. That really Sucks! ~R.C.

September 5, 1996
Cassidy and me broke up 2 days ago. 4 and a half months we went out for. I guess its for the best but I miss him. I think I'll live though. THE CURE RULES! ~R.C.
PS: School started yesterday. It was ok. This year will certainly be a challenge for me.

*This is the point when my blog goes from Teenage heart throb seeker to Permanency*
The next blog is all about when my life changed for the better and still has continued to do so...

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