Friday, October 8, 2010

Manic Panic Bondage Fest

After a few months of on again off again dating or "seeing" guys at this point in my teenage life I decided to give it a rest... until...

October 14, 1996 ( yeah a month later)
Wow a month has passed since I last wrote. Deb and Jack are still together. Awwe! Love Birds!
I'm going to Europe Next year (since I joined Europe club).
I met this guy shocked? the other day at work at Spencers. He has flamng red hair (Manic Panic Helps). He's a really nice guy. We ( Me, Deb, He) hung out Sunday night in the parking lot after work. We're going to the movies on Friday. Me & Deb SWEAR we've met him before or someone who looks like him , anyhow but we can't figure it out. Anyhow, I'm loking forward to our date. His name's Jim btw.
Ok , So I went out with Lou's brother , James, a few weeks ago apparently I wasn't even single a whole month and I heard if he doeesn't get some action he basically dumps the girl anyhow. So I got rid of him and kicked him to the curb. Plus, he's too shy and Jim is very much more my type of guy. I don't know what it is about him but there's something. I can't see just yet what it is but, it's a good thing I feel and sense. I think we'll hit it off! I HOPE!
Oh, Brett called yesterday but I wasn't home so we didn't get to chat.. oh wellz.
Gotta Jet , Jim's supposed to call me soon!

Sunday, October 20, 1996

WOW, Just WOW! Last night, Me, Jim, Deb, and Jim's bud Joe went to Chili's for dinner & out to the coffee shoppe. Jim is so nice. He's been to see me everyday at work and today he even bought me a book from a favorite author; autographed to me - Kostantinos.
I can't believe him. He;s the greatest guy I've ever met, truly. He treats me like a Queen of the Night. We're going out this Friday Night since last Friday I was grounded. I don;t remember why I was grounded but prolly for lieing or ditching class because to me school was lame and easy ( GIFTED STUDENT HERE) In a couple of weeks we're going somewhere but he won't tell me where... I'm excited! Oh yeah! lamost forgot .. S and B are getting together... yay!
Gotta go to Bed...
-R. C.

And with this.. love was born.... wait until you hear what happened next ..... adieu!

Means to an Ends to a Beginning

June 10, 1996
Today was the last full day of school ( Sophomore year) and only 4 1/2 days left until school's out. Last night I talked to Cas on the phone. he;s going to find a car today so he'll have one before his parents leave for the weekend. It will be kewl cuz then we could go places * hang out together at the house. This Friday we're going to Oceanside Who was I kidding? we practically all three lived there every week surfing and skimboarding.... not prime GOTH territory but hey, live a little.

Anyhow, I don't understand what's so interesting about my diary that Cas wants to read it. Oh well, but if my sister Nic gets a hold of it I'm dead meat! Cant wait until we get to spend some time alone. It's been miserable . What the hell did I know about misery? I was 16... Damn Boys!

Gotta Run! Bedtime and phone time.

July 2, 1996

A lot has happened since school got out. I am staying ( living) at Aunt Y's and Uncle R's this summer to work. I got a Job at Spencer's Gifts in M.C. Mall. The only bad thing is I'm really far away from my friends and Cas. He;s got a bug now so we can go places. I hope to get a car by middle of summer.
I'm leaving tomorrow night to go to N. Carolina to visit some of Papa's family. I'm going with Gram, Papa and Aunt Yv for 10 days. We're driving! I'm really going to miss Cas. Last night I had a bad nightmare. This chick was all over him and stuff. It wasn't cool at all. He can trust I won't cheat on him and I THINK he won't cheat on me . Come to find out , he was ...

August 20, 1996

Haven't heard from Cas in 2 weeks. I wonder if he's back from Mexico yet. These kids, were the days before internet and cell phones! but I heard from Brett yesterday. It was odd. He wants to see me n stuff. We were best buds until he was put in Juvy . He's getting out in Jan '97.

Anyhow next week we're going on vacation to Laughlin. Me, Aunt and Uncle, Amber and my neighbors are all going, It will be fun. Waverunning was my other non-Goth passion in the warm summers.

School starts Sept. 4th. It's two weeks away. That sux!
- R. C.

September 8, 1996
Well, me and Cas broke up 2 days ago. 4 1/2 months we went out for. I guess it's for the best but I do miss it. I think I'll live though.
- R. C.
PS: School started yesterday. It was ok. This year will certainly be a challenge for me. :)